This version of Approaching Perfect Swimming includes almost 100 pages about developing expertise in swimmimng. The ebook includes the ten components of “deliberate practice” that psychologist Dr. Anders Ericsson found necessary to develop expertise, as well as Dr. Havriluk’s application of each concept to swimming. In addition, there are 12 appendices that cover related swimming topics.
Chapter One: Identify Technique Elements to Change
Chapter Two: Clear Instructions
Chapter Three: Appropriate Task Difficulty
Chapter Four: Sufficient Number of Repetitions
Chapter Five: Immediate Feedback
Chapter Six: Individual Supervision
Chapter Seven: Variety of Learning Strategies
Chapter Eight: Maintain Focus in the Cognitive and Associative Learning Stages
Chapter Nine: Replicate Superior Performance
Chapter Ten: Solo Practice
EPILOGUE: Barriers to Deliberate Practice
Appendix A: Optimal Technique Model
Appendix B: Stroke Count
Appendix C: Cue Format
Appendix D: Stroke Drills
Appendix E: Stroke Rate
Appendix F: Training Session Components
Appendix G: Skill Evaluations and Competitions
Appendix H: The Vertical Jump Test for Event Selection
Appendix I: Pool Training Equipment
Appendix J: Strength Training
Appendix K: Advanced Analysis Methods
Appendix L: Adding Classroom Sessions to Pool Sessions
Developed with the coach and swimmers in mind, this book is based on more than 30 years of research and supported by specific experience in coaching (from age group to college level), consulting with domestic and international swim teams, and the author’s work with individual swimmers at every performance level (from beginners to world record holders).
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