Comment on “The Case for Less Volume” by Stott in Swimming World
Rod Havriluk, Ph.D., Swimming Technology Research
Joel Stager, Ph.D., Counsilman Center for the Science of Swimming at Indiana University
Examples of the benefits of reduced training distance include:
- Less distraction caused by shoulder stress
- Less fatigue allows better focus
- Less frequent breathing to improve visual input
- More coach-swimmer interaction
- More effective practice to develop expertise
- More time for analysis.
- More time for race-specific practice.
A reduced distance program has both a sound physiological basis and numerous skill-learning advantages. As the majority of swimming events require a relatively short amount of performance time, an emphasis on power production (as opposed to training distance) is vital to maximize these swim performances. While reduced training distance is consistent with the most specific physiological emphasis, swimmers also benefit from technique improvements. The assumption that “more is better” needs to be re-evaluated by coaches.
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